February 28, 2007

Lay 'Em Down and Smack 'Em Yak 'Em!

Whenever I work from home, I remember what awesome TV I miss all day long when I'm at work.

Like today's Comedy Central showing of Airplane!, maybe the best movie spoof ever made. This is how movie spoofs are supposed to be. Take note, Wayan's brothers.

My favorite thing about this movie is how well it nails the little things, like how every time someone dramatically throws off their hat/coat/whatever, someone throws it back at them a couple of seconds later. I'm sorry, that's just funny.

This one also has sentimental value, becuase me and my best friends in high school used to rent the movie at every sleepover* and watch the disco scene over and over and over and over. Watching it now, I don't even get what we thought was so amazing about it...it's certainly not the strongest sequence in the movie (I think that honor has to go to the jive talkers). Not that it's not hilarious.

Ah, nostalgia!

* Note: I am NOT aging myself here, I am only 27! I have no idea how we ever discovered this movie, but we definitely watched it about 1487 times during my 15th year...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its funny about high school how groups of friends could have those movies you rent over and over, and watch all the time, with us it was the Blues Brothers, Strange Brew, Animal House...take your pick really it was a constant rotation. By the way, thanks for the exhaustive Oscar recap, I was stuck in Philly, and then had to take a train back. And even though it was long I, regretfully, missed the whole thing. So, thanks for that, and thank christ Babel didn't win. And an awesome movie actually did.
