January 31, 2007

Oh, Theo

Theo, Theo, Theo.

Did what we had mean nothing to you?

I suppose you'd say it didn't, what with you not even knowing me and all. But I think I loved you enough for both of us.

And then you go and pull something like this.


You know, despite some of your boneheaded maneuvers lately (I mean, come on, how much did you pay for JD-fucking-Drew again?), you were my third favorite of all my sports-related fantasy boyfriends.

And you had to up and throw it aaaalll away. Let's just say that marrying some ho is infinitely more upsetting than the Drew deal. I shan't be getting over this one!

(Until you get divorced and stuff. Hehehe.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's one long term contract that is going to cost him big time to unload.