September 20, 2007

Not a Real Post

So I owe you guys a post, fine. Fine.

But, psst, this isn't going to be that interesting, it's just a rant. And has nothing to do with boys, Canadian or otherwise.

(I'm actually settling down quite nicely in that department though, and find myself 24% less psychotic than I was last week, which is a lovely development.) (He is still talking non-stop about visiting me, but instead of going all Boil-a-Bunny on him about "when, when, when!?!" I am merely ignoring it and just being like "I guess we'll just see aboot that when it actually happens, eh?") (Very proud of this development.) (Okay, onto the "real" post.)

I just have a quick thought:

Does this happen to anyone else? :

This year, I have been to the movies a woefully inadequate number of times. I think maybe three or four. I used to go to the movies once a week at least, no seriously. I LOVE MOVIES.

So this year has sucked for me for movies. None of my NH friends ever wants to go, or when they do want to go I have plans, or they have plans when I want to go, and I haven't managed to get to the theater to go alone enough because, again, plans, always plans (when did I get so goddamn busy, and why do I still feel so lonesome all the time?)....and anyway.

But whenever this happens, whenever I have this lag where I don't get to the theater, I think, "well I will just buy them or rent them or whatever when they come out."

And then after months pass and the movies are long gone from the theaters, I'll find myself in a video store with absolutely nothing to rent, or I'll just buy a three-in-one DVD crap set from Target of like, "Wimbledon" (seen it twice), "The Wedding Date" (constantly on HBO, seen it, and Debra Messing's scary protruding sternum, more times than I'm willing to admit), and fucking "The Perfect Man," a travesty of Hillary-Duff-Before-She-Got-So-Skinny proportions.

What is my problem?

Movies I Still Haven't Seen But Will Probably Forget About By the Time They Come On DVD:

All the stupid "threequels" (Shrek 3, Ocean's 13, Spiderman 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 3)

The Bourne Ultimatum (mmmm, Matt Damon, mmmm)




3:10 to Yuma (Okay so this one I still have plenty of time for, I'm just reminding myself)

Live Free or Die Hard

Fantastic Four

I could honestly go on and on. And yet 6 months from now when I'm finally signing up for Netflix or something I won't remember this. Hence? This blog post for reference.

Now I must get back to work.


Anonymous said...

actually the Bourne Ultimatum should go in the threequels category, right? Or is this the fourth? I know there was the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremacy...

Anonymous said...

And if you have not seen it yet, Knocked Up must be added to this list. Funniest. Movie. Ever.