August 20, 2007

Blame Canada (eh?)

So, yeah, not sure what to do about Canada, then (eh?).

I, FuManchLonesomeShoes, find myself kind of swimming in guy issues at the moment. Because on one level I've got a cool guy that seems pretty into me here. Probably best to just see what happens there, yes? Sure. And that is indeed what I'm doing, I'm not a complete idiot.

Well, I did say not complete idiot. Which means I am, at the very least, a partial idiot.

Which is why I've been emailing several times a day, all day long, with a Canadian guy I made out with in Montreal more than two weeks ago.


(pounds head on desk)

He's adorable, he makes me laugh, he cares about his job, he cares about his mom, he has a CAT (very key), he likes to drink but isn't a lush, he cleans a lot, is kind of dorky in a good way, and did I mention that totally cute makes me laugh thing again?

Oh and then there's the other little thing: he wants to come visit as soon as he gets a chance.

(pounds head on desk)

Scenario One: I continue seeing Guy #1, eventually Canada wants to visit, what if me and Guy #1 are like, involved by that point? Do I dump him or make some story up for why I need to not be available to him for the weekend? (pounds head)

Scenario Two: I keep things as casual as possible with Guy #1, and tell him the truth when Canada comes to visit. This seems most sane, but really I don't know how to do that. It seems wrong, and if I were Guy #1 I'd definitely be like "WTF, mate?" if I were seeing a chick I was into and she all of a sudden had some hump from Canada staying in her bed for a weekend. I mean, come on.

Scenario Three: Don't a say a fucking thing to either one of them about the other and figure it out when the time comes.

I think I'm going with three. After all, just because I talk to him every day doesn't mean I need to...what? Be faithful? to Canada. I mean, he's ten hours away from me, it's hardly going to work out.

On the other hand, if I had to choose one or the other right now, I'd rather keep emailing with Canada every day than continue dating the guy WHO ACTUALLY LIVES HERE.

I clearly have issues.


Heather said...

Door #3!!!!!!!

Matt O'Malley said...

Is it Alex Trebeck? If so, go with him (and for love of God convince him to bring back the 'stache!).