March 16, 2007

It Doesn't Count as Drinking Alone if There are Cats Present

Caption on this photo: Oh, Matt Dillon, you scamp!

Alternate caption: Oh, Drunk Eye, why are you all squinty when the other eye is so bright eyed? No fair!

So, not only am I drinking alone in my pj's on a Friday night and watching bad chick flicks (although "Beautiful Girls" a chick flick? I'm really not so sure.. I mean, it's a movie about bonds between a bunch of commitment-phobic men, right? I think it's a movie for one and all, and that's what I'm sticking to.

Becuase I'm on glass number 4 of champers and am thinking of cracking beer number 4. I like to even things out, you see.

This photo is FAR more egregious on the drunk eye, as my diagrams will show you. And while I took the first photo with my crap ass cameraphone (I have no idea where the actual camera is, this is disconcerting) to show my enjoyment of said bad chick flicks, this one was taken with a straight face so you can all witness the bizarre things that happen to my poor nearsighted left eye when I've had more than two drinks. It's fascinating, truly:

And I hope you appreciate my willingness to put photos of my drunken, pj-clad, non-makeup wearing face.

If you're reading this entry it's becuase I've yet to sober up and delete it. Whooooo....

Honestly though, I'm not sure I want to watch "Sliding Doors" at this point. I have too hard a time believing the pooooooor Gwyneth Paltrow is unlucky in love. I'm thinking of the old standby, "When Harry Met Sally," but that might just make me depressed. Hmmm....

I'm sure I'll figure it out, and be sure to let you all know. Maybe "The Sweetest Thing?" But I feel like I watch that all the time. Maybe instead I should go deal with the fact that it looks like i have a mustache in this picture.

I don't have a mustache! Ask anyone!


Anonymous said...

I also don't think it counts as drinking alone if you're chatting with someone online. Or, if you're in a house with someone who isn't drinking. Hey, sometimes it's amusing!

Anonymous said...

I kind of like the top one...