November 27, 2007

Happy (?) Holidays!

So I owe you a post, I'm aware.

But your fearless blogger has been downright down in the dumps lately people, can't deny it. Not about stupid boys (although they continue to be stupid), or anything really in particular. Just in general.

However, tonight was the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. I missed it, and yet I realized that I set it to record on my DVR a few days ago. Lucky me for thinking ahead, because people? I LOVE THE CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS SPECIAL.

Love it. Can't help it. I'm a loser. But I LOVE IT. Especially the part where Linus explains the story of Christmas for a downtrodden Charlie Brown. I'm not religious, but I do love the Christmas Story from the Bible...just something nice about peace on Earth and goodwill towards men and all that. Just not goodwill towards stupid boys, of course (hehe).

Tonight I discovered something almost better than the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. What's that, you ask? What could possible come close? This of course:


Heather said...

I'm totally bummed I missed it...

Anonymous said...

Paul and I watched that too! Great minds think alike baby