Okay, that's probably not true even a little, considering I don't do drugs. But I did indeed party hearty, as my pops might say, four nights in a row, and stumble my way into dawn's early light not once, but twice. I drank until welcoming the dawn on Saturday night, then again on Sunday.
Prrrrrobably not a good idea, as I spent Monday aching, moaning, coughing, sweating and shivering. I figured it was just a raging hangover and a bad case of the DT's, but it turns out it was raging strep throat and a bad case of a fricking high fever.
I spent this whole week rather incapacitated. I was useless at work, spent every moment not engaged in work fast asleep on my couch, rousing only to take occasional peeks at the Red Sox Scores.
Speaking of them, I freaking had to turn down free Sox tickets this week. That's how much I couldn't suck it up.
I am on day three of the old penecillin now, and feeling much better. But I had to leave a freaking birthday party tonight because I was yawning and dreaming wistfully of the Big Red Couch. Not to mention I wasn't drinking becuase I'm now convinced that my immune system needs at least 2 weeks to recover from my Lohansian Memorial Day.
I am old. And lame. And remarkably happy to be in my jammies right now. I was even annoyed by how smoky my beloved Strange Brew was tonight....even though my last appearance there I was getting change from the bartender for the cig machine and working my way through three-quarters of the damn pack.
"Why did I never notice before how cold it is in here?"
"Becuase you're sober!"
"God, it's so f'n smoky in here. It's making my eyes sting...and it stinks! Why does this normally not bother me?"
"Becuase you're SOBER."
"How come I don't feel dizzy or nauseated, or attracted to that ugly guy slumped over near the juke box?"
Okay, I made up that last one. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go to bed. This is the latest I've been awake all week, and I'm starting to nod off. This is so sad.
I apologize for my lameness. I promise to try and party next weekend so I have something interesting to say. In the meantime, could you keep it down?!? I'm trying to SLEEP.
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